ArmaG3ddon v2.2 full sources
Author CondZero
Description These are the full C++ sources of the Armag3ddon 2.2 latest version. Trying to keep this tool the best armadillo's unpacker (or one of) became quite complex with time, but the final decision to relase its full sources follows the decision of SiliconRealm to drop Armadillo as a product. Time hence to release them publicly for anyone willing to improve the tool or tweak the support for other OSes. You'll notice we always had a lot of care also for the quality of the sources. As you know the version 2.2 of Armag3ddon fully supports Win7 and 64b systems. To compile the sources is enough to have the latest version of Visual Studio (tested on version 2013).
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Date Sunday 21 December 2014 - 11:01:55
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